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Enfoque a la Familia La familia de hoy tiene problemas y se enfrenta a diferentes desafíos, tales como: el divorcio, la drogadicción, el alcoholismo, el suicidio y muchos más. El programa de radio titulado: "Enfoque a la Familia" fue creado especialmente para dar esperanza y apoyo en medio del sufrimiento. Este programa ofrece consejos prácticos relacionados con una variedad de asuntos que conciernen a las familias hispanas, y desde 1988 ha servido de ayuda a muchos hogares alrededor del mundo. |
El buscador crisitiano. |
Crosswalk Our aim is to offer the freshest and most compelling biblically-based content to Christians who take seriously their relationship with Christ. Crosswalk.com is built around four primary content areas – Faith, Family, Fun and Community. Each category is further subdivided into areas of significance to many Christians, including Bible Study, Devotionals, Marriage, Parenting, Music, etc.
Focus on the Family Focus on the Family began in 1977 in response to Dr. James Dobson's increasing concern for the American family.
Gospel Communications Seven years after its launch, Gospelcom.net has grown to become the most popular Christian website in the world. From its 1995 inception with 10 alliance ministries, Gospelcom.net has mushroomed to now include over 300 individual online ministries working to use technology and the Internet to reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ. |
Insight for Living Insight for Living is the Bible-teaching radio ministry of Chuck Swindoll. Our 30-minute daily radio broadcast, Insight for Living, now airs worldwide on more than 2,000 radio outlets daily. Since 1979, Chuck's messages have been aired and distributed all over the world. |
Koiononia House National Ministries The purpose of Koinonia House® National Ministries (KHNM) is to equip Christians to “bridge the gap” from prison to the local church through creating an awareness of the need to embrace Christians coming out of prison, producing post-prison ministry leaders and through the establishment of local Koinonia House ministries. |
Angola - The Power of Freedom: Photos
The philosophy of Louisiana State Penitentiary (LSP) is to provide services in a professional manner so as to protect the safety of the public, staff, and inmate population. Consistent with this, it is LSP's responsibility to provide meaningful opportunities to enhance, through a variety of education, work, social service and medical programs, the individual's desire to become a productive member of society, while providing a safe, stable work environment for employees. The Warden formulates goals for the institution at least annually and translates these goals into measurable objectives.
Please visit these other Louisiana State Penitentiary Websites:
The Angola Rodeo: The Wildest Show in the South!!
The Angola Museum: The history of the prison once known as "The bloodiest prison in America"
The Official Website of Louisiana State Penitentiary:
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